1684, the Iji shogunate, feudal Japan. Bushi /武士/ Miyamoto Hidenaga of the Hōjō family abandons the 500-year-old tradition of serving a master and becomes a rōnin. He remains among the „unrestrained” and joins Third What, bringing teachings of focus and discipline.

Podlasie, Northern Poland. The 97-yo Dzierżysława of Szczuczyn becomes the last wheat artisan transforming fields into canvases by colouring individual grains. Her unmatched meticulousness forever changes local agriculture, allowing farmers to pick the fallen seeds and sell them as works of art, giving rise to the saying, "Pick, sell, perfect." Later, she joins Third What, cultivating the culture of attention to detail.

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"Bubbie" (1976) David Troster’s documentary by Archives Of Ontario, Archives Publiques De L'Ontario (Giphy)
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